The Hurting

If you are hurting right now, as you read these first liens, then this is for you. I don’t know why you’re in pain. It could be for any number of reasons. Perhaps it is a recent wound, or maybe an old one that just doesn’t seem to heal.
If you have been betrayed by a friend, a lover or even a parent, then your hurt is deep and you have every right to mourn your loss.
If you’re upset with God because you feel He has let you down, then that is a different kind of pain, one that cuts deeply into your soul. Perhaps you feel abandoned by him and cannot understand why He has not given you what you asked for and prayed so hard for.
I don’t know why you’re hurt, but I understand that, unless you can heal and go on with your life, happiness will elude you.
The first thing you must do is acknowledge your loss, your pain. It’s real and it hurts so much. Your might wonder if you are strong enough to survive loss, endure your pain. Know that you can and, with a measure of patience and courage, you will overcome and move on with your life.
Believe that there is strength and courage in abundance within you that you may have never had to make use of in the past, but still lies dormant within you. It waits to be activated by you when the need arises, and that moment might have arrived.
The history of mankind has taught us that we humans are capable of handling great suffering and even growing from it. Humans have suffered the worst tragedies and gone on with their lives. They did this because in times of great pain, they can reach deep down inside of themselves and find a great measure of courage they thought they never had. They surprised themselves with their ability to overcome
You too have this ability to do so. First you need to believe. A strong belief in yourself will take you half the way. The saying, “You can because you think you can” is so true. This belief in yourself will propel you forward. It is what has motivated great men and women to succeed despite countless setbacks.
Next you must have patience. Getting over your loss, dealing with your pain will take time. It won’t happen overnight, but it will happen if you are patient and persevere.
Through it all, have faith in God and trust Him to walk with you through the storm. You may not see Him, but if you listen closely, you might hear His footsteps behind you.