There is a universal law among drug abusers, which says that if a youngster gets into a group of friends who are using drugs, his chances of becoming addicted increase dramatically. Curiosity and the encouragement of friends…
John-Roger and Peter Mc Williams, in their book “Life 101,” write: Happiness is not easy. It is not for the weak, the timid, the wishy-washy, the easily dissuaded, or the uncertain. Happiness is…
I have deep respect for Conrado De Quiros, a former columnist of TODAY who now writes for the Inquirer. He has written some wonderful and hard-hitting pieces. His June 6 column, however, is one that I take exception to.…
A Resident’s Testimony Looking back, I remember feeling suffocated by pressure. It felt like everyone, from my family to other people around me, expected me to be perfect in everything I did. Rebelling felt like the only way out.…
There is little doubt that strong social pressures exist among young people who come into close contact with drug takers to also use drugs. It is at this time when many adjustments have to be made as teenagers transition into…
You have perhaps read a lot about drug addiction, but you might not know that new information about the damage done to addicts is being made public all the time. For example, new findings from researchers state that “drug…
Most of us have problems with self-esteem and self-confidence. For so many reasons, we struggle from childhood and through our teen years and even into adulthood to convince ourselves that we are valuable and precious. But if anyone…
Conclusion Parents of homosexual and lesbian children have the choice to love or to reject them and the earlier they recognize what homosexuality is all about, the sooner they will be able to avoid much of the unnecessary pain that…
Part 3 of 4 Parts It is quite clear that, based on numerous studies, homosexuality is not a disease, nor is it a psychological disorder. It wasn’t always seen as such. Not so long ago, homosexuals were seen as sick…