
It takes all kinds of people to make our world. There are the optimists among us who somehow always find a way to see something good in even the ugliest happening. when there is pain, they point to the benefits of surviving the hurt. They will tell you to grin and bear it and you will have learned to rise to another level of maturity. When the storm rains out your social event, they will remind you that the plants need the water.
Optimists are fun to be with precisely because they have such a sunny disposition. They have a way of lifting others up when they are stuck in the pits.
Some of the most optimistic persons are those who have the least reason to be so. the blind man who makes you laugh and does something with his life despite his handicaps. The woman who just lost a loved one, but can smile through her tears as she tells you all about the goodness of the beloved and how she appreciates the years they had together.
Optimists are usually others oriented. They are consistent in thinking of others. They reach out more than are expected of them. They encourage rather than discourage. They build rather than tear down. They are more willing to risk than most people. When some think it cannot be done, the optimists ask “why not?” and when the crowd says, “Let’s all give up and go home,” Wait a minute, why not try once more?
You need an optimist to start a new project. While the pessimist will give you a hundred reasons not to go ahead, the optimist will give a thousand reasons to proceed. When I married my wife, we were super happy. A relative of mine smiled a sarcastic smile and said, “Yeah, let’s see how you feel about each other three years from now.” Pessimist. That was thirty-one