Looking For God

He was a fine young man with a good heart. Perhaps that is why he asked the question: “How do I find God?” I answered, “By looking for Him.”
He was feeling a kind of emptiness inside his heart and was hoping to fill the void with something or someone meaningful. He thought that God might be the answer, but, like so many of us, wasn’t sure about how to go about it.
Do you find God or does He find you? What is the way to Him? Sure, you can read the Bible and try to figure it all out, but that is easier said than done.
God is so complex, so mysterious and we have such severe limitations that there is no way we can ever know His mind. That, obviously, makes it extremely difficult if not impossible to know Him, never mind find Him.
We know from experience that God can be very elusive. So much so, that we sometimes think He is hiding from us when we are searching for Him. It can all be so frustrating. We might have all the good will, the desire to know Him and get close to Him, but we find ourselves coming up empty-handed. After all, He is a spirit, not made of flesh and blood. His mind is so superior to ours that there is no way we can really know Him.
We know some things about Him. The Scriptures, the Bible and our own experiences, but after all of that we are left with so much more that we do not and cannot know.
We have to live with the reality of what we are, and what He is. And the gap between us and Him is incredibly great. This is why He needs to reach out to us. He will find us before we ever find Him.
That is the great mystery that makes it all so incomprehensible. It is difficult to understand why the magnificent Being that He is would care at all to bridge the gap that separates us from Him. But it is true. He does just that. He has come to us through Christ Jesus and revealed something of Himself in the Scriptures, though not nearly enough for us to truly comprehend what He is all about.
But then, He would not be God if we could truly understand Him because would then be on par with Him. What we need to do is look for Him with a sincere heart believing that He will find us.