He was a fine young man with a good heart. Perhaps that is why he asked the question: “How do I find God?” I answered, “By looking for Him.” He was feeling a kind of…
Remember that when a man gets into drugs in a serious way, he embraces a new way of life. It isn’t just the drug taking that makes him different. A lot of things change. if he is…
It takes all kinds of people to make our world. There are the optimists among us who somehow always find a way to see something good in even the ugliest happening. when there is pain, they point…
Somebody once said, “Be grateful that God does not answer all your prayers.” All too often, we get upset when we sincerely pray for something and don’t get it. We wonder if God is angry with us;…
The expression “grow up” is often used on adults who physically have already grown up but whose maturing process has been stunted. There can be a number of reasons for this, but one of them is the…
We have treated addicts who used drugs for some 25 years. All of them began using in high school. All of them began by dabbling with drugs. They did not become addicts overnight. But because they were…
If you are hurting right now, as you read these first liens, then this is for you. I don’t know why you’re in pain. It could be for any number of reasons. Perhaps it is a recent…
In my work with badly-damaged people at our Nazareth Formation House in San Jose Batangas, I constantly remind our resident to thank God for His many blessing. I especially ask them to thank Him for those blessings…
They say that we learn how to parent from our parents. Teenagers who get involved with the wrong crowd go bad. Hang around for too long in bars and chances are you will drink too much. If…