Restoring Self-esteem is Part of Drug Rehab

Most of us have problems with self-esteem and self-confidence. For so many reasons, we struggle from childhood and through our teen years and even into adulthood to convince ourselves that we are valuable and precious.
But if anyone has a severe case of loss of self-esteem, it is the drug addict. Shattered and beaten into the ground, he sees himself as completely worthless. This is a major reason why he plunges into his drug taking. He needs to find a way of feeling good about himself, and chemicals are there to oblige.
when the drug addict comes to our Nazareth House, we must eventually help him to rebuild his lost self-confidence. People who feel a high level of self-esteem do not usually get into drugs. They are not about to destroy themselves because they think well of themselves.
As the Nazareth resident progresses in his recovery process, we provide him with various opportunities to raise his self-esteem. One of these occasions is radio. My daughter Vanessa has a radio counseling program every Friday evening from 9 to 10 p.m. on station DWXI 1314 AM. Every now and then, she invites some Nazareth resident to join her on air. Read how their experience had a positive impact on Jon, a former shabu addict. In his journal, he writes:
“Great day! I’m very happy because today was another milestone in my recovery. I was told I would be going to Manila for a radio talk with another resident.
“During the bus ride, I was so behaved and so different from before. I was not acting arrogantly like I used to. I felt like a guy who just came from the seminary. My mind was very peaceful and I felt contented. Unlike a year ago when I was on drugs. Then, I felt so depressed and weary. Those were the days when I felt like I was a piece of shit. I was bumming around and had no purpose in life. I felt I was unless in this world.
“During my trip to Manila, I felt like a normal person. I must say that I passed the test that was given to me. I was able to handle and control my feelings and was able to focus on the purpose and objectives of my trip. I did not feel any kind of sliding back. I had a lot less cravings. Whenever I thought of my lifestyle before, I had strong cravings for drugs. But now I can shout out loud that it isn’t so anymore!
“I never dreamed that I would ever be on radio. I never saw myself receiving phone calls and advising people who are having drug problems.
“The experience was a different kind of high for me. It wasn’t a chemical high, but a natural high.
“During one of the phone-in calls, I became emotional. The call reminded me of my past, of those bitter days when I was into drugs. I was reminded of the hell I put my family through. The caller reminded me of what it must have been like for my loved ones to live with me, an addict, and how devastating and painful those days must have been for those who love me. I remembered how my family kept trying to help me even as I insisted on destroying myself. It was like that a year ago.
“I also was teary-eyed when I realized how in spite of all the headaches, heartaches and troubles the addict causes his family, they are always there for him, for me, waiting, hoping and doing all they can to help him.
“That night on radio with Vanessa was a great experience I will never forget.